My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
Due to the unusual circumstance of several large volume orders coming through, SolarSpeeders are sold out! Our apologies - we're working on getting more together ASAP. Hopefully by the end of July.
My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
Every once in a while we like to re-arrange the furniture. Sure, it's nice to have things look new and different, but most of the time we're just trying to make things just work better. This week we've done a little bit of restructuring of our Advanced category - we hope it'll make it easier […]
Solarbotics is happy to introduce a new distributor in Toronto, Canada - Bug'n'Bots. Owner Steve Jones have been involved with BEAM for a while now, and is d
It's that wonderful time of year when you can see your breath in the air while you wait at the bus stop. Frost decorates the blades of grass, motorists spend five minutes scraping ice off the windshield before departing and there are hints of snow when you look up at the hills. So what's a […]
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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.