Well, we had a fun time at this year's Western Canadian Robot Games! Especially since Solarbotics' own Grant McKee won advanced minisumo with "Ender's Wraith", and although he also placed 2nd with "S.S. Solo" (but wasn't legally able to win 2 spots), the third place bump up went to...me! Dave Hrynkiw, with 2Strong2Bad!
Besides the competition, we had a good time talking directly with our customers, and at the Solarbotics Barbeque feeding them large quantities of BBQ food and suitable beverages.
The actual event was pretty well run and attended, but I personally missed being in the well-lit SAIT "Heart" building where the event had been the last few years. The bottles of "Solarbotics" ice-water were well used and appreciated in the warmer Symposium room!
See you there next year!