Wednesday Links: Robots, Chocolate and G...

Solar botics
August 13, 2014

Everything is better with chocolate, even the new links:

Self-Folding Paper Robot
Inspired by origami paper sculptures and equipped with motor. (Via Beautiful Decay)
Edible Chocolate LEGOs
Mmmm, best Lego ever. (Via Colossal)
Drawing Robot
Seen lots of drawing robots before, but this one uses fans to create vacuum and attach itself to the metal wall. (Via Creative Applications Network)
Cutting Records Out of CDs
Arduino, some motors, some 3D printed stuff - and here it is. (Via Hackaday)
X-Ray GIFs
This is creepy and awesome all at the same time. (Via IFLScience)


January 12, 2003
Cool project

Neil Sandstrom from the BEAM mailing list recently posted a notice about his "ShokHead" circuit built from our tutorial. What makes this project a bit different is that he mounted it on a VPM motor, so it's all self-contained. Here's what he says about it: Just finished!!! Check it out it is really small!! […]

March 20, 2001
Mark Lecturing in Maryland, not Texas!

Whups! Sorry, we got a fact wrong listing Mark's lecture at the Goddard Space Flight Center. It's not in Houston, Texas - it's in Greenbelt, Maryland (March 23). Our apologies to Goddard Space Flight Center - I'm sure they weren't looking forward to a 1400 mile moveÂ…

July 24, 2013
Wednesday Links: Crab Shells, Backflippi...

Talk about yam fries. They are an unknown phenomenon. They appear on their own and disappear into nothing, some faster than others. 50 grams eaten at night turn into 3 kilos of chub the next day. Astrophysicists refuse to comment on this gravitational anomaly. But fries are even more dangerous than black holes. To neutralize […]

August 18, 2012
New Product: Limerick Edition

I've been wanting to post in limerick, and today I think I'll give it a kick. My co-workers think it's dumb, but I think it's kinda fun. And I'm sure it'll turn out quite slick. In order to avoid some tough restrictions, I won't use limerick for product descriptions. It'd also make some people sick, […]

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