Wednesday Links: Flying Jellyfish Robot,...

Solar botics
February 19, 2014

Now, one things got my attention in today's links: aerojelly. Wouldn’t you like to have a pet aerojelly? It flaps, it flies, it comes with a leash, which is a power cord at the same time. The rest of links is accessories that include music for aerojelly, wireless LEDs for aerojelly, and a pack of termite swarm robot friends for aerojelly.

The "Face" Part of the Interface
Talk about wearable - electronics getting small enough to act as facial decoration and react to facial expressions (Kinisi by Katia Vega, via Arduino blog).
Tiny Robot Flies Like a Jellyfish
Only 8 cm in length, extremely lightweight and ingeniously simple build, the robot is keeping stable in the air without tipping over (by Leif Ristroph, via Livescience)
Movable Wireless LED technology
Who doesn't like blinky light? We do. Simple but effective (and well-documented) (By cohda, via Designboom)
Under Water Record Player
Would be awesome to know how the waterproofing was done on this curious device... (by Evan Holm, via Hackaday)
TERMES Robots Project
Robots behaviour algorithm was based on termites to autonomously and collectively produce desired structures (via IEEE Spectrum).

Not sure how the LED makeup fits into the picture though…


July 11, 2016
Canada Post Web Services Update

In regards to the Canada Post Services interruption we posted about earlier: Canada Post has withdrawn its 72-hour notice of service interruption, which was to take effect Monday, July 11. Mail and parcels will be delivered as usual and mail service will continue without interruption. Canada Post shipping option is again available in the checkout […]

March 22, 2013
Friday New Product: New Netduino and Rov...

Yaaaay, we finally have some new stuff to show off! Firstly, Secret Labs have released Netduino 2 and Netduino Plus 2 with some welcome upgrades. Netduino became even faster with more code space, and we have them in stock! Here's what else we have: Netduino Go Starter Kit $99.95 Love the Netduino but not a […]

October 12, 2012
New Product: Arduino WiFi Shield and Dis...

The lonely product in the long-time-ago previous product post has filed a complaint to the INPDL (International New Product Defendant League) against having to represent the Friday Product Post by itself for an entire month. We therefore had to comply by bringing in some new stock to switch out. So here's an Arduino WiFi Shield […]

February 7, 2013
Wednesday Cool Links: Carbomorph, Textil...

Hey, today's cool links are so cool that nothing need to be said in their defense (except for that Thursday is new Wednesday now!). At all. Anyone, try to prove me wrong! Here, you can't. I thought so... So enjoy this truly exquisite selection, and next week we're gonna bring you more on our softest […]

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