Wednesday Cool Links: Spiderbot, Solar S...

Dave Hrynkiw
October 17, 2012

It's Wednesday! Hooray! Huzzah! We're celebrating because... Well, ok, we have nothing big to celebrate right now. So we're going to celebrate having nothing to celebrate with the traditional and only appropriate way possible... BROWSING THE INTERNET! Indeed, we've been celebrating this time-honoured tradition with steadfast dedication, and it's our pleasure to share it with all of you.

Four-Legged Spiderbot
As the website puts it, this is "a walking machine, radially symmetrical, having four legs with two degrees of freedom each, controlled through a wireless link from a hand-held controller based on two Wii Nunchucks." Very impressive articulation and range of motion. Be sure to check out the video.
The Almost Useless Machine
A solar-powered... Reciprocating saw? Make sure you have lots of patience and a cold one to enjoy while you "work"! Seriously though, while this might not be too functional, it certainly has some great craftsmanship.
Solar "Death Ray": Power of 5000 suns!
Mirrors. Lots of mirrors. 5800 of them, to be precise. It's pretty cool (and a LOT scary) what kind of power can be harnessed by arranging mirrors onto a fiberglass satellite dish and aligning it to the sun.
6 Rubens Tubes Visualizer
Hrm, a flame visualization for music? SIGN ME UP. Turn it into a handy-dandy plug-in accessory for the iPod, for the best on-the-go pyrotechnics you can possibly imagine. Might want to make sure you turn it off before tucking it away in your pocket, though.
Solar Engineer Badge on DIY
So, you think you like DIY? Well, it's time to prove your chops by completing challenges over at They even have a Solar Engineer Badge that features a bunch of project ideas, including our Instructable for the Solar Powered Miniball.

We were once hoping that we could instead celebrate by racing giraffes through obstacle courses, but that didn't pan out. Too bad. I was planning on decking mine out with some sweet black and white racing stripes, to make it look like a very oddly proportioned zebra.


June 13, 2012
Cool Link Wednesday - 'That's a Lot of F...

Don't even bother reading this introduction - skip on ahead and go to the first link in the list. It'll blow your mind. Medusa -Proximity Aware Multi-Touch Tabletop This interactive surface (which is actually a version of Microsoft Surface) uses a mind-boggling 138 proximity sensors to detect people around and using the table. As far […]

January 9, 2012
Phones are Up

Well, we've found the ringleaders in this little impromptu telecommunications insurrection and took them out back, where we switched from our standard 'beat with a metaphorical hammer' to 'beat with an real hammer'. Which worked so well, actually, that our phones are now back up and behaving themselves. We can now take calls without any […]

October 15, 2019
Why no new blogs? Huh? HUH?!?

Sorry. It's been a feverish last 9 months since taking the bull by the horns and taking over development of the NEW Solarbotics website. It's coming along, and will be ready VERY soon. Because of this, we've been concentrating on moving and vetting the new content, which is sort of like new content (but not […]

December 3, 2004
PDXBot 04 video - it's good!

Ok people, the sales on the PDXBot 04 DVD have been less-than-stellar. I brought them in primarily because I thought other people wanted to see robot competitions that you may not otherwise get to see. Also, a portion of the proceeds go to help the PARTS club in Portland Oregon. If you have a robo-geek […]

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