Wednesday Cool Links: Lotsa Arty Stuff

Dave Hrynkiw
September 19, 2012

Ok, yes, we know. This is yet another late cool link post, but... We have a good excuse, honest! We just got in a second laser (from Full Spectrum), and we were distracted for most of yesterday getting it up and running. So enough excuses - here's this week's batch of links:

PVC Instrument, DRS Talent Show
This made the rounds a little while ago, but it doesn't make it any less awesome. Some dude of extreme PVC-hitting talent playing a fun medley of tunes.
The Invisible Bicycle Helmet
This is pretty crazy - a pair of Swedish designers are working on creating an invisible bicycle helmet. It's like an airbag for your head, that you wear as a collar. Really intriguing possibilities...
Photographer Caleb Charland Uses Alternative Batteries
Caleb Charland makes some really compelling photographs from his light projects powered by the likes of apple trees, fruit baskets, and stacked coins. Impressive scientifically and visually.
Magic Carpet - Daniel Wurtzel
 It isn't robotics, but it could be. It isn't dancing, but it could be. Trust us, this is a fascinating mix of art, wind, and music!
This is What Happens When a Squid Listens to Cypress Hill
Keep in mind that squids don't have ears. But this experiment converted the music to an electric signal, and the results are captivating.
Networking 400 Balloons with XBees
Rob Faludi just wrapped up a project where he lit up a 73 mile-long string of massive balloons that sync together with XBee. It looks like it was a massive undertaking, but the results speak for themselves.

The jury is still out on what we think of the Full Spectrum in comparison to the Epilog, but we'll probably do a short write-up for everyone once we're make up our minds.


March 23, 2005
Closed for Good Friday

Please be advised that Solarbotics will be closed this Friday, March the 25th. We will resume operations Monday, March 28th so any Express Orders that come in after 2:00pm this Thursday will not go out until Monday, March 28. Take it easy on the chocolate!

May 20, 2005
Monday - Holiday!

May long weekend is upon us up here in Canada, with Victoria Day being Monday. Ahhh, time to melt the igloo, unshovel the lawn mower and scrape away the ice so we can plant snow-peas! (Joke - it's actually quite nice here in Calgary right now...) Anyway, any orders received after 2pm today will not […]

October 18, 2004
Transistor turns 50!

Well, 50 years ago today, the Regency TR-1 transistor radio was unleashed on the masses. As the first transistor-based radio on the market, it made a splash. And here we are, 50 years later, making robots out of the same technology. Regenchy TR-1, Solarbotics salutes you!

November 5, 2008
Sumovore Brainboard - the PICAXE!

It's been a bit long in the coming, but it's finally here: The Sumovore PICAXE Brainboard for the Solarbotics Sumovore! One of the biggest tripping points we see from going from the pure digital/analog  realm of BEAM to microcontrollers is learning the ins-and-outs of microcontrollers. The PICAXE nicely fills this void by offering a programming […]

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