Wednesday is here again, and so is our Cool Links Post. So... weather has been discussed many times (including edible objects falling from the sky), so have been fingers, toes, days of the week. That leaves us pretty bare in terms of generally socially- acceptable topics. Hmmm, how about sports! Did you see that latest... sports... thing... and stuff! Pretty amazing, huh? Aaaand at this point I would like to be deemed a socially incapable introvert, retrieve to my hole and shoot some cool links at you. 'Cause, you know, browsing the internets is what I do all day:
Just Try and Make Your Own Gun (Coil Gun)
Mehdi of is becoming one of our favourite electronics bloggers (make some room, Dave & Chris!). This time, making a railgun in mostly dangerous ways. |
How to Build a Rainbow Igloo
There's still solid two months of snow and ice to be had around this neighbourhood, and although some less than trustworthy shades of snow might not be so great, we thought that rainbow ice might be. So, here we present the national Canadian dwelling of many colours. |
Sunrise Lamp Alarm Clock
For all of us peoples having trouble waking up before the sun, this is a beautifully executed alarm clock that gently wakes you up to the slow fading in cool lights. Extra bonus points for laser-cut frame! |
50 years of NASA's space food packaging documented
Space food! Who hasn't dreamed of eating weird stuff from plastic tubes while floating in zero gravity as a kid? This article is devoid of technical specifics, but still pretty cool to see the progression. |
The Making of the Digi-Comp II, First Edition
We're big fans of Evil Mad Scientist. Not only evil and mad, but they're also very crafty... craftsmen. This blog post detailing the work they put into their "Digi-Comp II" is a fine example of the care they put into their projects. Very nice work, indeed! |
And now, gathering the last scraps of my social skills and capabilities, I would like to announce: see you next time. *avoids eye contact, blushes and runs to basement for shelter to watch funny cat videos*