Wednesday Cool Links: Bagels, Algorhithm...

Solar botics
August 7, 2013

Well, we survived the skeleton Tuesday, now it's time for Cool Links Wednesday:

Mathematically Correct Breakfast: How to Slice a Bagel into Two Linked Halves
Never thought math and bagels went together so well! While I am no mathematician at any rate, the intellectual stimualtion of creating a two-twist moebius strip, you can get slightly more cream cheese on, because the surface area is bigger.
15 Sorting Algorithms in 6 Minutes
Can 15 sorting algorithms be interesting? Over 5 minutes? I didn't think so either, but this is pretty cool.
T8 the Bio Inspired 3D Printed Spider Octopod Robot
Don't like spiders? Me neither! But this one has some pretty amazing moves that any disco dancer would be jealous of. And it is made of smooth 3D printed plastic.
A cold cathode audio visualizer
Super amazing cold cathode audio visualizer by [James], it's even more awesome in action.
Retrotechtacular: Singing bird automata
There's something extremely fascinating about old technology. This one is a singing bird box automaton from the 1890′s.

Now we are a bit less skeleton. That doesn’t mean we put on weight, that means that some of us decided to return from vacations to fancy places. I kinda liked the skeletons though. They helped at the warehouse a lot, donated their portion of ice cream in favour of the starving and let me use their femur bone for a coat hanger...


December 3, 2010
SB Freeduino and Ultimate bundles

BOY it's been a busy season for us. Our pick and place has been moving at a blurring pace (while I've been baking the boards), and we're getting the SB-Freeduino 2.3 back online. What's new from the v2.2? Not too much - we've cleaned and tidied up the overlay, incorporated some new Uno-style annotations on […]

June 17, 2003
Escaps back in stock!

Well, the last batch of Escap gearmotors went very fast. Let's hope this batch lasts a bit longer! Unlike the last set, this set has a higher reduction ratio of 663:1 instead of 362:1. This means it starts turning 0.46V (!) drawing only 3.3mA (!!) It's a 3V rated motor, but our tests show that […]

August 28, 2009
Arduino Shields

As we all know, the 'A' in 'August' stands for 'Arduino'. So it's with great sorrow that this will be our last mega Arduino-centric update. We'll still be adding to our selection, but not in as massive amounts. The Arduino Components category is still rather sparse, so hopefully that'll see some love soon. But in […]

December 10, 2014
Wednesday Links: White Stuff, Weird Stuf...

Fineck not Fennec The neck of the person in coexistence with computer is usually in miserable state, but we rarely think about it until it's too late. So - gadgets to the rescue! (Via Designboom) Armrest Battle Solution? Oh the personal space... No number of smart gadgets can help when airlines stack people like sardines. […]

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