The return of the MCM...

Dave Hrynkiw
May 7, 2007

Remember many, many moons back when Solarbotics was a young company, with just a few hacker-type objects to offer the robotics community? One of these items was the "Metal Cassette Mechanism", and was the heart of a great many Solarengine Kit.

Hail the return of the almighty MCM! (Ok, it isn't as earth-shaking as all that, but it's cool to have something you can tear apart and not feel guilty about!)


October 14, 2009

Ok, besides being a conjunction of two things we really love (Make Magazine & BEAM Robotics), it also is an open-source hardware project that is about little "T-Beams". This project is using the "KickStarter" model of sponsorship. Ask for pledges for the projects, and if the minimum is met (and it has - yay!), the […]

October 20, 2010
New: The Ardweeny BackPack!

We've been playing with the Pick and Place machine, and thought about new projects. This one, besides just being plain handy, offered us a simple project to start adding surface-mount parts to! The Ardweeny is proving to be a popular way to make a breadboard-friendly Arduino-clone, but after the prototyping is done, you still have […]

July 31, 2013
Wednesday Cool Links: Theremin Goggles, ...

Shooting analog pictures, shooting bullets underwater, shooting… theremin noises from goggles, shooting… human-powered helicopters! if that doesn’t make any sense, see the links below: Steampunk theremin goggles A wicked build by [Sarah] - theremin steampunk goggles. Photo sensor  will feel the amount of light and the slider would adjust the pitch of the sound produced. Check […]

January 25, 2001
We want Your Input!!!

We are working on fixing the bugs in the website, along with a number of other improvements. Some of you may already know that we are rewriting the ordering portion, making processing your BEAM needs that much easier. It is approaching it's release very quickly, we are just doing the final testing now! So give […]

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