My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
Wheee! It's finally outta my hair - the Sumovore PIC Brainboard now available to all you microcontroller fans that insist on programmable robots.
Complete with a 5 pin and RJ11-6 port, you can use practically all PIC programming tools and hardware (or build your own programming cable as detailled in the instruction) to put your smarts into this robot, although it does come preprogrammed with JAL sourcecode to make it both a minisumo and line-follower.
With four different brains (discrete, BS2, Atmel, & PIC), the Sumovore comes in a flavour for any roboticist!
My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
It's officially hot outside. So if you're looking for an excuse to take a break, check out this week's batch of cool links: Artist to Cover Bay Bridge in Programmable LEDs The idea is to cover the San Francisco area Bay-Bridge with a bristling of white LED pixels. The conceptual video looks great, but having […]
Yup, it's that time of the year in Calgary, pahdnah (no, that's not an East Indian name - it's cowboy for friend). The Calgary Stampede is upon us, and we're expecting to give our staff a wee bit of leeway to enjoy themselves a bit. It shouldn't affect your service, but don't be surprised if […]
We apologize for the late Friday Product Post - Friday night our brains were temporarily eaten out by rabid flying honey badger monkeys. The brains are now successfully returned into place, and here's the freshly renamed Early Monday Product Post. Oh, look, text! It has letters! And words. And sentences. And clauses. And everything a […]
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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.