Some of you may have found the LightStorm Pummers that Mark Tilden has made using some neat looking plastics. We've built our own variation of the circuit, which is a dark-activated, quad-bicore pseudo-random chaos generated, dual pummer circuit.
This link is a bit on the old side, but if you are thinking of entering the WCRG event next month, here's last year's champion's (Craig Limber) webpage about turning his Sumovore into an almost-as-good line follower! It's a good way to get into this rapidly-growing event...
Some of you may have found the LightStorm Pummers that Mark Tilden has made using some neat looking plastics. We've built our own variation of the circuit, which is a dark-activated, quad-bicore pseudo-random chaos generated, dual pummer circuit.
If you haven't got a print catalog in the mail yet, you can now download it as a 1.5 megabyte PDF file. Or, request one via mail if you wish! Download (or request) it via our catalog request page.
Another msg from our Italian contacts: Sumovores do well at the Pisa! Here's a Google-translated link.
Would you like to see what we have on sale? Or what is the newest addition to our BEAM stores? Check it out in our New Item and Sale Item pages!There are a few new links that will point you to these pages too, you'll see them on the Products sidebar and at the top […]
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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.