Solarbotics Antweight

Dave Hrynkiw
March 25, 2004

Adam Conus sent us a nice little message about his antweight combat robot The Fly.:

Western Allied Robotics is kicking off another year of antweight combat events and I need new motors. (Because I'm very, very hard on them!)

Still, they're cheap and light. Check out-
to see the robot complete with solarbotics sticker!


May 18, 2002
Site Difficulties - sorry!

If you were trying to visit us here Friday/Saturday, you would notice that we were "404" (site down). Sorry about that. Our host ISP is going through some changes that are ...aren't... going as well as they'd like. Sorry about the problems. Shouldn't be nothing that we can't get fixed, as soon as I find […]

February 4, 2002
Pushpin Update

We've been getting many requests for additional inventory of our popular Push Pogo Pins. Well, we've ordered a batch, and we'll post an update when they're finally in. Sorry, no better ETA than that!

September 14, 2012
New Product. Just One. But Some Other St...

Here's our late and lame Friday post. It features one very lonely, depressed, and forgotten product from a week ago. But it blinks, so it can't be that sad, right? 5V RGB LED LPD8806 Stripxels (32 per meter) $35.00 These are very similar to the WS2801 RGB Stripxel, but feature the LPD8806 controller IC instead. […]

May 9, 2011
So ya think you can buy stuff, huh?

When it rains, it pours! We're addition to the IT position search (some good candidates BTW, thanks very much), we're now also looking for somebody to slide in behind the purchaser desk. Here's what the job entails: Watch stock levels (physical and in Quickbooks, because bits can't always be trusted over bytes), and reorder necessary […]

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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