Solarbotics Antweight

Dave Hrynkiw
March 25, 2004

Adam Conus sent us a nice little message about his antweight combat robot The Fly.:

Western Allied Robotics is kicking off another year of antweight combat events and I need new motors. (Because I'm very, very hard on them!)

Still, they're cheap and light. Check out-
to see the robot complete with solarbotics sticker!


October 31, 2011
DragonTail Robot Platform And A Dancing ...

Halloween is upon us, and it looks like everyone is testing out their costumes. For instance, the trees are dressing up (or down?) as Naked Trees, and all the leaves are dressing up as Multicoloured Dead Leaves. It's all very exciting. But we've keeping our heads down and churning out some great stuff to show […]

September 2, 2014
Maker Faire Calgary, Sept 6-7

Are you located in or around Calgary? Do you like cool projects and neat-o people making neat-o things? Are you looking for something mega-awesome to do this weekend? If you answered yes to all (or any) of these questions, we have some good news for you: The Calgary Mini Maker Faire is happening this weekend. […]

March 27, 2009
Odds and ends

Greetings, ye fine fellow travelers of yon internet. This week you'll find that we have three new and completely unrelated items to show off:  17010 3-AA Battery Holder - This three-cell holder has 9V-style snap connectors, and can create 4.5V with Alkaline batteries. 17390 Tact Switch - A push-button style switch that's compact, inexpensive and […]

January 9, 2012
Phones are Up

Well, we've found the ringleaders in this little impromptu telecommunications insurrection and took them out back, where we switched from our standard 'beat with a metaphorical hammer' to 'beat with an real hammer'. Which worked so well, actually, that our phones are now back up and behaving themselves. We can now take calls without any […]

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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