Remembrance Day

Dave Hrynkiw
November 11, 2004

Solarbotics is closed for Remembrance day, to honour the memory of all those who fought in order to preserve our freedoms.

Take the minute, and honour your war dead.


December 10, 2002
Catalog 5 online

If you haven't got a print catalog in the mail yet, you can now download it as a 1.5 megabyte PDF file. Or, request one via mail if you wish! Download (or request) it via our catalog request page.

July 12, 2013
Friday New Product: Synapse, OpenBeam an...

Lets contabulate! And that means, as I recently learned, to cover with boards, which in our case are - breadboards. Today's breadboard coverage is only partial, as we have other stuff to show off too: Synapse "Getting Started" Transmitter Bundle $49.99 Add a Wii Nunchuck and battery to this bundle and you'll have a simple […]

September 3, 2010
Closed Mon, Sept 6th, New Stuff

HEY! YOU! WE'LL BE CLOSED FOR LABOUR DAY AND THERE AIN'T NOTHIN' YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! BAHAHAHA! *Ahem* It's true. On the day called Labour, we will be doing anything but.  Why is that? Nobody knows. But a day off is a day off, so we ain't complaining. Standard stuff applies - we'll answer […]

November 13, 2008
HexPummer Lanterns!

Our K HP HexPummer has always been a good, steady kit, but once we got our laser-cutter, we started experimenting... and was it ever neat to tuck one of these into a faux Japanese-style lantern! After upgrading two of the four LEDs with super-crazy-mega-bright LEDs, this solar-powered night-activated light show is quite a cool decoration, […]

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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