My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
As Panasonic is no longer manufacturing their line of Sunceram solar cells, we've been on the hunt for suitable replacements. Here's our first find - the SCC3733!
It's a polycrystaline cell in an epoxy casing, so it's a bit heavier, but much, much less prone to breaking or burning off of the solder-pads. It's also easily the match for the venerable SC3733, only falling a bit behind the SC3733 in low-light conditions. Try them out - we're quite happy with them!
My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
Hey look, we're at Maker Faire! Hey look, we're at the Solarbotics Office! ... Hey look, we're like an amoeba, splitting in half to be in two places at once. Ok, here's the skinny - Right now, most of our staff is US-bound to attend the previously mentioned MakerFaire in the San Mateo/Bay Area in […]
With the runaway success of the Useless Box, many of us here at Solarbotics can be assembling the kits in our sleep, even under a dose of tranquilizers, and be orchestrating the two lasers at the same time with no difficulty whatsoever. Just like I used to count transistors for the latest in Soviet Death […]
Today is the auspicious day of October 24. It is so important I can't stop thinking about it even when I am preparing my taxes. Wikipedia mentions is as a the Day of All New Products. It is celebrated as a state holiday in Namibia, where it is also known as the day of jackalope. […]
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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.