New RoboSapien Tech...

Dave Hrynkiw
April 4, 2006

Just spotted this little piece on the new "beer-serving" robots coming out from Wow-Wee.

I've seen their offices - you may find some Mr. Pibb and Root Beer, but as a rule, the strongest thing you'll find in the R&D fridge are some king-sized Coffee Crisps...


June 11, 2014
Wednesday Links: Marble Clock, Robot Arm...

It's the summer! Or something somewhat similar... And this is the summer issue of the new links. Not the last one, of course. Mechanical Ball Clock Wood? And marbles? And it's a clock?! This needs to be shown! (Via Dangerous Prototypes) Magnetic Sand Hourglass Don't we all love things to fidget with? This one will […]

May 4, 2006
Annual Solarbotics BBQ RSVP

Hi all. It's coming up time for the annual Western Canadian Robot Games on May 13th, and as per usual, Solarbotics will be hosting our post-event wind-down. Interested in coming? Let us know here!

October 12, 2022
eSun Funky Filament & Creality CR10...

From sparklebarf to foam, what else is new from the world of eSun 3D filaments?

November 5, 2003
First GM10 robot!

We gave Grant a bit of the afternoon to put together a demo robot using the GM10. What project? Ah, the venerable Herbie, of course! Construction details (and a big pic) are on the motor detail link. Oh, and there's a video too! Read More...

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