New Products!

Dave Hrynkiw
June 13, 2001

We've been busy gathering new BEAM products, and now with the release of the new website engine, we're able to finally post them!


  • CP.047F - 0.047F 5.5V capacitors
  • CP10F - 10F 1.6V capacitors (return of an old favourite!)
  • MCM2 - a new metal cassette mechanism with very cool parts
  • VPM - a tiny disk vibe motor
  • SM1 - a great little stepper motor, with good efficiency
  • SWT7 - like our DPDT SWT3 switch, but top-mounted lever
  • PP1, 2, 3 & 4 - really neat little spring-loaded push pins for walker feet, touch sensor probes, and other pokey-type applications
  • SPin24 - Need socket pins? Here's 24 on a neat DIP (2-row) carrier
  • ZVP2106 - By popular request, the P-channel complement to the popular ZVN2106 Zetex FET

Back on Sale:

  • CPXmas - Our mid-summer Capacitor Special (2 each of the CP1000, CP3300, & CP4700)
  • SCXmas1 - Our mid-summer Solarcell Special 1 (2 each of the SC2422, SC2433, and SC3733)
  • SCXmas2 - Our mid-summer Solarcell Special 2 (2 each of the SC2433, SC3733, and SC3766)

Watch for more updates coming fast'n'furious!


May 8, 2010
Moved In and Headin' Out

What a cah-razy week we've had. We're officially all moved in at our new location. There are still mounds of boxes to unpack and things to organize and some renovations to finish, but, all things considered, it went pretty well. If you happen to know where my USB extension cable went, though, I'd love to […]

October 15, 2019
Why no new blogs? Huh? HUH?!?

Sorry. It's been a feverish last 9 months since taking the bull by the horns and taking over development of the NEW Solarbotics website. It's coming along, and will be ready VERY soon. Because of this, we've been concentrating on moving and vetting the new content, which is sort of like new content (but not […]

August 13, 2014
Wednesday Links: Robots, Chocolate and G...

Everything is better with chocolate, even the new links: Self-Folding Paper Robot Inspired by origami paper sculptures and equipped with motor. (Via Beautiful Decay) Edible Chocolate LEGOs Mmmm, best Lego ever. (Via Colossal) Drawing Robot Seen lots of drawing robots before, but this one uses fans to create vacuum and attach itself to the metal […]

March 28, 2005
Robots using GM15s

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. If you didn't already know, Solarbotics has been moving offices, and it's taken a surprising amount of effort to get everbody/thing moved and settled. Beyond that, I've found some time to websurf...just a bit! A GM15 linefollower? Neat!(Update!:)He's just posted a video of it going ~40cm/s (although he's […]

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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