New Product: Synapse & ESP

Solar botics
January 17, 2017

Synapse 220 Modules

RF220SU SNAP Engine, 2 Mbps 2.4 GHz

WiFi is good, but the SNAP Engine Model RF220SU is an IEEE 802.15.4, low-power, very robust solution for embedded wireless control and monitoring networks. With auto-mesh networking (try that WiFi...). 2Mbps on the 2.4GHz spectrum and RP-SMA or U.FL selectable antenna.
Synapse RF220UF1
Similar to the RF220SU, this one offers a switchable internal/external U.FL antenna, communicating at speeds up to 2Mbps, with a maximum 4.8km (3mi) range.

ESP Modules
The ESP8266 is a low-cost WiFi chip with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability. This small module connects to a WiFi network and makes TCP/IP connections. It was introduced in 2014 and has exploded in popularity since.

AI-Thinker ESP8266 ESP-01 Wifi microcontroller

The original low-cost, low-pin count IoT controller, ideal for connecting a few IO channels to the Internet.
ESP-12F AP+STA Remote Serial Port WIFI Controller / Module
You can't turn over an internet-connected rock without finding an ESP8266 of some sort wired to it. This ESP-12F AP+STA is a solid way to connect to the "Internet of Things" with even more IO channels than the ESP-01.
Wio Link
Designed by SeeedStudios, the Wio Link is designed to simplify your ESP8266 IoT development. It links with their Grove ecosystem for rapid prototyping and allows quick creation of IoT applications by virtualizing plug-n-play modules to RESTful APIs with mobile APPs. That means they've made it very easy to use.
Wio Node
Another Seeed innovation, this is like a junior version of the Wio Link, offering full Grove Support, LiPo Support, and a mature API. This little guy is cheaper, smaller and lighter.



February 27, 2009
PICAXE Project Boards

For the past few months we've had bundles for many of the PICAXE project boards. They come with cables and a battery holder, and are generally what you need if you're getting started in this kind of stuff for the first time. But what if you already have all those fun appetizers on the side, […]

November 9, 2000
New Kit: Type-1 Solarengine Re-issue

It's been a while since we've had this kit online, but due to some diligence we've found materials to update and re-issue it! Using the licensed "MillerEngine" (which we find to be a substantial improvement over the old Solarengine), we've changed the kit with a new black circuit board and updated documentation. Check it out […]

August 11, 2012
New Products: LED Strips, LED Controller...

Hello everyone, today I'll be your guest Russian host. Here's your new product, look at it and leave me alone! I'm busy eating vodka and drinking borscht. In the dacha. After the banya. (Is that good enough for Russian stereotypes?) Right about now the most observant of you might notice that something is wrong with […]

March 23, 2001
LANL Workshop Update

We've got confirmation from the Santa Fe Art Institute that they are indeed handling the registration. Contact Brandy at (505) 424 5050 for registration details, or email her at Remember, this will most likely be the last hurrah for the event on May 3-6, 2001, so come now, or never again! Read More...

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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