My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
So today we have a nest. And some other things, like a programmer. If you take the programmer you can program the cleaning wire nest and the code will travel through all the little coils and come out the other end all transformed and golden too. It's almost like enlightenment. And then it will suitable to enlighten the red-green LED too.
Brass Tip Cleaner $4.17 Awesome curly brass cleaning wire for all your soldering needs! |
USB AVR programmer $19.95 The Pololu USB AVR Programmer is an extremely compact, low-cost in-system programmer (ISP) for Atmel's AVR microcontrollers. |
PJRC Teensy USB Board, Version 3.1, w/o Header Pins $19.00 Yay for 8 bit microcontrollers! Um.. I mean 32-bit microcontrollers that pretend to be 8-bit controllers, but kick their butt! That, in a nutshell, is the awesomeness of the Teensy 3.1! |
According to some scientists, you can tell what a person is by analyzing crumbs content in their keyboard. You can tell a lot if they don’t have a keyboard at all, or have two. Now if you connect the programmer to your keyboard via USB cable you could probably reprogram your crumb content as well. Identity hacking at its finest!
Now the last but not the least, we have two things to announce. First, holiday hours. We are going to be closed... for not that long! Exactly these dates:
Second, here are the shipping cutoff dates:
So make sure you take these into consideration if you are looking to make some last minute purchases!
My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
Brian Fields is heading up a new BEAM botting competition which Solarbotics is proud to be in association with. To borrow from the website: To enter this contest all you have to do is build the smallest robot you can in one of these three categories Turbot, Walker, or Photovore. This contest is much like […]
Time to stock up on Solarcells and Capacitors! Once again, we have our Solarcell Christmas Specials 1 & 2, and our Capacitor Christmas Specials online. Check the "Sale Items" menu pick for details!
What we have today are not Fairly Expensive Tortillas or Fortunately Edible Theremins, but Field-Effect Transistors. If you know what it is, I will leave you to explore: 1RFZ44N N-Channel FET $2.50 The IRFZ44N is a very powerful useful N-Channel FET, with only 0.0175ohms resistance pushing 20 amperes at 5V! FQP27P06 P-Channel FET $0.95 A […]
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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.