New Bundle: The Northern Lights!

Dave Hrynkiw
December 6, 2012

Ok, more like The Northern light. There's only one, but it creates lots of light!

We made the SB-Firefly as a ATtiny85-based blinky light / "chewing-gum & duct-tape problem solver", that is also Digispark compatible.

We made the Star Controller 3-watt RGB LED kit as an easy way to tame bright and power-hungry LEDs.

We put them together with a 3-day power supply and diffusing container, add a 10% savings, and TaDAAAH: The Northern Lights Bundle! And it's well documented too!

What do you get in the bundle?

  • 60140 SB-Firefly kit
  • 60160 Star Controller RGB 3-watt LED kit
  • 52242 2.1mm barrel jack/plug pair
  • 17020 3AA battery holder
  • 0.1µF Capacitor
  • 8025 diffusion container
  • Double-sided tape
  • 5-conductor wire

Start with our instructions to build a mobile blinky-dome of doom (mount it on your bicycle helmet - everybody will see you coming), or modify it. The SB-Firefly is programmable with the Arduino programming enviroment (with a suitable in-circuit programmer), so you can use the remaining 2 available I/O pins to blend it into your project!


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