LANL 2001 Pictures and other Website stu...

Solar botics
May 31, 2001

We have pictures from the Los Alamos National Labs Workshops! Check them out under the Gallery heading, or at the bottom of this post.

We are having temporary difficulties with our server, eliminating the ability to read PDF files or downloads. This should be rectified soon.

Also, in the transfer process, everyone who asked for a catalog since last Thursday have gone on into oblivion. Please re-enter for a catalog if one doesn't come within the next couple weeks, or you were within that time period. Sorry for the inconvenience.



November 3, 2005
New Catalog!

8th Edition is online! Get it here, or under the "Resources" tab - it's on the top bar.

May 7, 2012
Project Monday: BEAM Solar Chariots

"Project Monday"? What the heck is that? We're giving our news postin' habits a bit of an overhaul. Here's the plan: instead of one massive newspost once a week, we're going to break things up a bit. Monday's we'll post a cool project or tutorial that might be fun to try. Wednesdays, we'll post some […]

March 31, 2006
Sausage Roll for Sale!

Here at Solarbotics, we like to eat well. So, unfortunately after leaving a forgotten sausage roll in the microwave for several days we must search for a means of disposal and/or obvious prank to pull. Our immediate reaction was to place the rather stale pastry in the mouth of our office chimp, Herb. But now […]

March 1, 2018
Product Feature: Bare Conductive Project...

We are always on the search of cool technology, so when we came across Bare Conductive, we thought: pizza! what a great find! Bare Conductive is a design and technology company from the UK that makes sensing tools for engineers, designers, and makers. They produce a line of electrically conductive paint, capacitive sensor hardware and a […]

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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