Frogbots! Solar-powered, at that!

Dave Hrynkiw
December 15, 2000

I missed the full segment of this story last weeks on "Discovery Channel's" program, but fortunately, the've put the segment online at their website. I seems that JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratories - NASA essentially) is working on a solar-powered, single-footed robot frog. This seems like a GREAT idea for extra-terrestrial planet-surface locomotion. Check out the videos and see for yourself. Additional information at Even more technical information is here and here, in these Adobe Acrobat files from one of the researchers, Paulo Fiorini. Here's his homepage. And this is his dedicated Frogbot hompage - lots of interesting info!

Oh, and if you scroll to the bottom of the Discovery Channel / EXN page, you'll find a nice video clip of our favorite Roboticist, Mark Tilden. They shot this a few years ago, and I'm glad to see they resurrected it to be on this page.



February 3, 2006
Tilden Interviewed about new 'bots

We know we don't have anything directly related to RoboSapiens (other than gear motors), but as we're tight with Mr. Tilden, and he's the father of BEAM technology, it's always worthwhile to report useful bits about him. There's presently an interview with him at - take a boo! (Then come back and do more […]

July 14, 2005
More RoboRaptor news...

Got another update from Chance "knitsu" Brown that he's got some high-resolution images and videos of his Roboraptor online now. After some initial browsing, didja know that there's going to be two books on the Robosapien soon? And there's several online communities? (Here's one)

August 21, 2015
Friday New Product: Grove, Kossel and XB...

Seeed Raspberry Pi Breakout Board v1.0 $14.95 The Raspberry Pi Breakout Board for Raspberry Pi is a prototype board that allows you to combine your Raspberry Pi with other components and modules. Grove - Light Sensor(P) $3.75 Panel mount light sensor from SeeedStudio. XBee WiFi Module - Wire Antenna $52.75 This is the XBee WiFi […]

March 28, 2005
Robots using GM15s

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. If you didn't already know, Solarbotics has been moving offices, and it's taken a surprising amount of effort to get everbody/thing moved and settled. Beyond that, I've found some time to websurf...just a bit! A GM15 linefollower? Neat!(Update!:)He's just posted a video of it going ~40cm/s (although he's […]

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