My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
Lets contabulate! And that means, as I recently learned, to cover with boards, which in our case are - breadboards. Today's breadboard coverage is only partial, as we have other stuff to show off too:
Synapse "Getting Started" Transmitter Bundle $49.99 Add a Wii Nunchuck and battery to this bundle and you'll have a simple Joystick and 2 button interface for all kinds of wireless applications. Team this bundle up with a few Synapse Receiver bundles to control multiple high power LEDs! |
Synapse "Getting Started" Receiver Bundle $56.50 Wireless control of RGB lighting, my my how technology is progressing! Team a few of these bundles up with a single Synapse Transmitter bundle to have multiple high power LEDs controlled by a Wii Nunchuk! |
OpenBeam Extrusion 360mm Length $4.25 This is the 'beam' part of 'Open Beam', the central building component for the system. |
OpenBeam Extrusion 600mm Length $6.75 This is the 'beam' part of 'Open Beam', the central building component for the system. |
SB830 Solderable PC BreadBoard (single-panel compatible) $6.50 BusBoard makes lots of great prototyping PCBs. Here's a convenient one that matches a regular 1-panel PC breadboard, with handy top-print overlay, and thinner interconnections for friendly track cutting. |
SB1660 Solderable PC BreadBoard, Double-sized $12.00 BusBoard makes lots of great prototyping PCBs. Here's a convenient one that matches a double-wide PC breadboard. |
Without a doubt, breadboards are better than any other boards (dreadboards, for example, or plain wood plank-type boards) because of the bread part. Especially with butter. And jam. Sometimes with peanut butter, or jello. For some of us, with caviar even. Mmmmm, is it time for lunch yet?
My weekly web-crawler popped up with this interesting link not long ago. Nicely put together, nice photos, nice group of 'bots! Simon Fraser's Robots
Here's another bunch of links for your viewing pleasure. Under the current meteorological conditions we wonder who would consider looking at screens, because, you know, real life takes over sometimes, especially when it is so nice outside, at least in our neighborhood. A clock that uses sixty RGB pixels Hey, we made that! Well, almost. This […]
Solarbotics is closed for Remembrance day, to honour the memory of all those who fought in order to preserve our freedoms. Take the minute, and honour your war dead.
Yup, it's that time of the year in Calgary, pahdnah (no, that's not an East Indian name - it's cowboy for friend). The Calgary Stampede is upon us, and we're expecting to give our staff a wee bit of leeway to enjoy themselves a bit. It shouldn't affect your service, but don't be surprised if […]
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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.