Closed March 29

Solar botics
March 28, 2013

Ok, so tomorrow is apparently not a regular Friday, but a good one. I would say, that is a very honest thing to call it, because what else would you call a Friday that is a day off? Sure, it's good. So that's what we are doing on that day - being closed and away, and doing all the things that are required to celebrate the said holiday. What we are not is doing - answering phones or emails, or shipping stuff. Which will resume on Monday, except for Canada Post. Canada Post will resume its services Tuesday.


February 22, 2002
May issue of Discover Magazine

Mr. Tilden informs me that his experiments with 40 B.I.O.Bugs in the desert of Whitesands, New Mexico will be detailed in the May issue of Discover Magazine. I've seen some of his personal pics of the experiment, and it is indeed impressive photography. Keep an eye out for this issue!

July 2, 2007
"We are go-ing on a sum-mer holiday...

Hi all. Solarbotics & HVWTech will be closed for July 2, in lieu of our Canadian July 1st holiday. See you Tuesday!

November 12, 2002
New Product!

We've been shopping again, but the accountant won't let us hoard all the goodies for ourselves. SOOO, we're announcing the following goodies! RBFB: The Book "Robot Building for Beginners" by David Cook, which is an excellent reference for a newcomer to robotics. It's an ideal companion for our own book "Junkbots, Bugbots, and Bots on […]

May 7, 2012
Project Monday: BEAM Solar Chariots

"Project Monday"? What the heck is that? We're giving our news postin' habits a bit of an overhaul. Here's the plan: instead of one massive newspost once a week, we're going to break things up a bit. Monday's we'll post a cool project or tutorial that might be fun to try. Wednesdays, we'll post some […]

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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