Closed Fri/Mon, Cool Stuffs, Purchaser W...

Dave Hrynkiw
December 29, 2011

Well, it's the end of the year apparently. 2011 has kinda withered up and died like some kinda... Food thing that tends to dry up if you leave it out for too long. Like jerky. Or raisins. Mm, especially raisins when they're in oatmeal cookies (shh, don't tell the boss. Anything but a strict chocolate + oatmeal combination around these parts is pure blashpemy). Anyways, just so y'all know, we'll be closed on December 30th and January 2nd to do some year-end shinanigans. Business resumes as usual on the 3rd.

But that's all kinda boring. So let's show you something kinda neat. Youtube user SSublett1 took a Let's Make Robots Start Here bundle and turned it into something really freaking awesome. He made a CNC wood burner that HARNESSES THE POWER OF THE SUN to, uh, burn wood. It's like a home-made laser engraver, but the power source is a giant flaming ball of gas in space. Check out the video:

If you think this is as nifty as we do, head on over to Buildlounge and cast a vote for this project, so that its creator can get a chance winning a laser cutter.

And just because we can, here's a SECOND project video! Of a jumping/gliding robot! It doesn't use any of our parts or anything, but it's just so darn cool, we have to show it off.

Ok, and our last item of business is... An item of business. It looks like we're on the market for a new purchaser. Here are some of the tasks you'll need to cover:

  • Watch stock levels (physical and in Quickbooks, because bits can’t always be trusted over bytes), and reorder necessary inventory
  • Receive shipments
  • Help watch for new product introductions by new & existing suppliers
  • Order R&D stuff requested by the lab
  • Generate sales reports
  • Help generate Build-of-Material (BOM) lists for new products
  • Develop relationships with supplier reps (some domestic, some very international!)

If you're based in Calgary and feel like buyin' cool robot parts and working with a fistfull of geeks, drop us a line or give us a call (403 232 6268).

...aaaand that's it for the rest of us for the rest of the year. We hope that everyone's 2012 is much better than their 2011. Happy holidays, seasons greetings, happy new year, autonomous robots and spicy tacos, from the team here at Solarbotics.


December 1, 2008
Arduino Book...and the Pendulum Swing!

Here's a great booklet to accompany any new Freeduino purchase - "Getting Started with Arduino", written by Massimo Banzi (the co-founder of the Arduino Project). This title is based on his free-download introduction PDF, but takes is much farther, guiding new electronics enthusiasts into how to use the Arduino / Freeduino in a project.  Also […]

December 14, 2004
ScoutWalker III - limited stock!

We've managed to dig up enough parts to get six ScoutWalker III's together in time for Christmas. We'll have them ready by the end of the week for shipping, so if you don't mind waiting for your order to go until then, feel free to pre-order now!

July 3, 2012
SB-FireFly Hacks: Round 1

Jeremie, our engineer and the brains behind the SB-FireFly, can't seem to put the thing down even though it's all done and released. He's been hard at work figuring out what it's capable of, and figures that the hardware and framework could be used for a Micro-TV-B-Gone broadcaster, IR code repeater, and even a tiny […]

August 8, 2017
LED Earrings

The idea of adorning oneself with glowing bits has been around forever, but instead of smearing ourselves with phosphorescent jellyfish or placing fireflies in ears like some uncivilized cavemen we went for simple LED earrings. We made a build that involves a simple slow-scroll RGB LED and a few reflective bits to bounce that pretty […]

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