August 14, 2000 - Canadian National Exhibition and California State Exhibition Quick news: I'm (that'd be me - Dave) off to Toronto to go attend the Canadian National Exhibition (otherwise known as "The Ex") from August 18 to September 4. In attendance will be myself (Dave Hrynkiw), Scott Martin, Mark Dalton, and to lesser degrees Andrew Miller, Richard Weait, Mike Treceiski, Amar Bedi (all the way from India), and yes, even Mark Tilden himself. We'll be exhibiting BEAM and Solarbotics stuff, with working demonstrations on assembly techniques. That is, we'll be building right there! Come on over to the Automotive Building and say hi!
At the same time, we will have a display at the California State Exhibition. Expect to see a ScoutWalker 2 with SunSeeker Head, two Miniballs, a BRUTE of a Unicore BEAMant prototype, a Turbot Prototype, and some Symets. Additionally, Mr. J. Vernon also has a selection of his creations at the display! Although we won't be there ourselves at the display, come on out and have a look-see. (anybody want to blow a roll of film on the exhibit? We'll trade a PhotoPopper kit for it!) Also new: Finally revamped and put the SunDancer Magbot Butterfly PDF instruction file online.