Bulbdial on Steroids - the Chinook Shado...

Dave Hrynkiw
March 23, 2012

We've been working with the Chinook Mall since they did a retrofit a decade ago, where they really amped up the mall, making it the keynote shopping centre of Calgary. One of their features is the "Time Capsule Clock", which sits in the floor of the center court, where a 1000 year time capsule waits under a clock.

Time passes fine for the capsule, but time did not treat the clock too well at all. Since clocks are generally supposed to be wall-mounted affairs, the constant beating it took from floor cleaners and pedestrians finally make it die an early death. We were called in periodically to repair the clock hands and reset the time until they finally gave us the go-ahead to design them a replacement. A much better engineered replacement - a ShadowClock!

Inspired by the sheer sleekness and appeal of the Evil Mad Scientist's Bulbdial, we adapted the idea to a larger scale, with 2.5X the LEDs. We finally installed the project last Monday, and just finished putting up a Flickr roll detailing the project.

Want one of your own? Sorry - we only have the backup unit left for our own nefarious purposes, but we're working on a kit!




October 20, 2003
NAIT Robot Challenge

Solarbotics went up to Edmonton, Alberta this last weekend to help out with the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology's Sumovore Mini-Sumo workshop/Robot Challenge/Open House, and to show off our wares. Give it a visit! Yes, yes, the Sumovore will be on sale for the first time tomorrow!

December 9, 2014
3D Printed Treetop Star

Initially inspired by the Moravian Star on Instructables and the fact that we now carry all kinds of 3D printing filament, we decided to make one of our own glowy holiday star. We have used this thing as source files to create a similar treetop decoration of our own. After some trial and error (due […]

May 25, 2012
New Product Friday: Tiny Things with Leg...

Electronic things come in all shapes and sizes, with all sorts of different appendages. This week we have a few itty-bitty components that have legs/leads. They're like bugs, except made of metal. And, you know, completely inanimate. (Inanimate bugs? Those are the best kind...) LM1084 5V 5A LDO Voltage Regulator $3.94 The LM1084IT-5.0 is a […]

August 6, 2011
Epilog Laser Problems/Solutions, New Pro...

This week, we've had a lot of fun with our Epilog Laser. And by fun, I obviously mean "turmoil and general miserableness". Fortunately, we've sorted the issue out. What I'm going to do is chronicle our pains, describing the exact issue and solution, so that The Googles will index the knowledge for other explorers of […]

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit www.P65Warnings.ca.gov for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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